Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I recently took a figure sculpting class. I've been wanting to branch out into three dimensions for a while so this seemed like a good option, though it turned out to be more difficult than I had anticipated. I'd like to share some of my work from the class, starting at the very beginning, so you can see my progress.

Here are two heads that we were assigned to make for homework, without a visual reference. We were taught the basic dimensions of a human head and its features, and told to make something unique. Let the clay do what it wants to, instead of trying to force it to look a particular way. My first attempt ended up looking a bit like Steve Buscemi.

The second head's features got a little muddied when I glazed the pieces. Glazing is a whole new world of difficulty to master. Overall, this was a fun assignment, but I couldn't help being a little disappointed with the outcome. We were eventually given the same assignment again, but I'll save that for another day. 


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